Empires Hotels - It's Unique Blockchain! How do I message hotel rooms and tickets for travel with ease?

Hey guys! I'm currently very happy to discuss about cryptocurrency, I have been researching very much ICO and it was so much fun! In addition, I will continue my research on a variety of ICO on my blog.

OK guys, this time we're pretty interesting discussion and this article will I write and promote highly targeted to large investors, ICO, because this one is a project that will be successful in the future. They have also set up and develop their platforms for the continuity of user booking hotel and ticket messages rapidly are supported The name of the project this time was EMPC-Empires.

In this article we will discuss:

  • an explanation of EMPC hotels
  • ICO or Token sale
  • How does that work?
  • Roadmap
  • Team

What Is Empires Hotels?

EMPIREHOTELS is the ultimate platform for users to book both rooms and experiences across the globe. Our platform provides an easy way to check-in/check-out and is fully prepared for the future of room automation.

The foundation of the welcome business is client service. Delivering higher client expertise means that a lot of profit to the business. The user expectations in welcome business skyrocketed with the arrival of on-line service booking platforms and rising client expertise came at a rise of 15-25°/o within the edifice booking expenses for the guests.

Even though there square measure many booking platforms on the market within the market, none of these supply users the aptitude to book and get rooms victimization each decree and crypto assets and wherever the edifice will opt for a way to receive payment. Major booking platforms create cash by charging hotels for merchandising their inventory. As OTA giants (over-the-air), these booking platforms have many travellers United Nations agency visit their sites to seek out hotels. once somebody finds an appropriate edifice and reserves rooms through their web site, solely then could be a profit created. These booking services don't charge guests directly. Instead, they take a proportion from the sellers and hotels. the matter is that hoteliers increase their charge to address the expenses for the booking platforms.

Empire Hotels, a revolutionary booking platform, intends to unravel this pain purpose sweet-faced in welcome business by excision commissions for third parties and leverage the blockchain technology to facilitate higher knowledge management and transactions system for hotels. Empire Hotels aims to supply a currency to be utilized in the welcome business, thereby making associate degree easy-to-use platform for the general public, associate degreed an API for integration with different systems.

Information Token Sale For Investor

Personal cap is 0.01ETH — unlimited
Bonus system available for early investors
New token emissions are disabled
Whitelist Available
KYC required
USA, Iran and North Korea are not allowed to participate
Max coin supply - 900 Million Tokens
1 EMPC = 0.000036672 ETH = 0.0000011616 BTC
Protocol- ERC20

Creat Wallet And Buy Here

How It Works?

Hotel owners install the app and add their properties to the platform. By doing so, they become available for business immediately. It's as simple as that. They also have a very useful feature for users, namely: 

simple, easy and fun.
Users can browse for hotels and experiences nearby. They can place bookings using both fiat and EMPIRECASHs — our digital asset.

Truly empowering hotels.
Even though there are no fees for the registration, a small fee — the smallest on the market — is added to each transaction in order to make the platform viable. Affordable fees for owners; lower prices for users.

Revolutionising the Hospitality Industry
Our developers took care of every little step during the app development process. We want to give the best experience to our users.


See More Roadmap Here >> Roadmap Empires Hotels


See More Core Team Of Empires Hotel >> Core Team EMPC

Learn more about project empires hotels, click on the link below:
Website >>  https://www.empirehotels.io
Whitepaper >>  https://www.empirehotels.io/docs/en/whitepaper-en.pdf

Author: Innerpumper
Bitcointalk Profil Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1139194

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